Mouth Breathing Is Wrecking Your
  • Health
  • Sleep
  • Life
  • Energy
  • Focus

Stop Snoring With Beard Friendly Mouth Tape

100,000+ Mouth Tapers


Hostage Mouth Tape

  • Trusted by 100,000+ Mouth Tapers
  • Reduces Snoring & Enhances Sleep Quality
  • Beard-friendly, Skin-friendly and Breathable.
  • Improves Oral Health

mouth breathing during sleep disrupts rest and causes snoring, dry throat, morning headaches, irritability, an increase in fatigue, and a decrease in energy levels.


Hostage Tape encourages nasal breathing to minimize throat vibrations and reduce snoring, promoting a deeper, more restorative sleep, and leading to a quieter sleep environment and energized wake-up.
Hostage Tape offers a comfortable, secure fit for easy breathing and undisturbed sleep. Its gentle adhesion accommodates facial hair without irritation or losing its grip, ensuring a restful night.
By keeping your mouth closed, Hostage Tape prevents dry mouth, supports healthy saliva production, and reduces oral health risks.
Get Better Sleep

How to apply hostage tape?


Pull strip's sides apart to separate backing and expose adhesive


Apply to dry and pursed lips. Massage the tape to secure its position.


Enjoy a restful night's sleep with the world's most flexible & comfortable mouth tape.

Frequently asked questions

Our bodies have instincts that wake us up if breathing becomes uncomfortable due to congestion. It’s a lot smarter than we give it credit for! Mouth breathing causes the blood vessels in the nose to trigger mucus production and swelling; nasal breathing helps to combat that. Hostage Tape is also porous, so air can pass through if needed. If you’re hesitant, practice with the tape + nose strips during the day to get used to nasal breathing, then wear it all night when you can (nasally) breathe comfortably!

Hostage Tape is CPAP-compatible, and many use it in conjunction with their nasal mask. Far more comfortable than a chin strap, it is often used to fix the "air leak" (through the open mouth) associated with CPAP machines.

We always recommend that everyone evaluate their own needs and seek the treatment that is best for them. It’s not for everyone, but Hostage Tape has been a great solution for many with mild OSA.  To maintain an open airway, the tongue should rest at the roof of the mouth. When you mouth breathe, the tongue is likely to be on the floor of the mouth and more likely to fall into the back of the throat. Hostage Tape promotes nasal breathing, which in turn helps keep the tongue in the correct position. If you require a CPAP, we recommend using Hostage Tape in conjunction with a nasal mask.

Ask your partner instead of us. The bottom line is that snoring and irritability from lack of sleep are major contributors to arguments. We can help with some of that.

By sealing your lips, you are forced to breathe through your nose. This promotes better, more peaceful sleep for both you -and- your partner.

Absolutely, yes. It’s not for everyone, but what many people don't know is that practicing nasal breathing can help your nose function better. Over time, consistent nasal breathing can dilate your airways and reduce congestion in general. Many folks with allergies have experienced a positive difference when using Hostage Tape. The addition of Hostage Nose Strips can be beneficial as well, widening the airway and helping with nasal breathing when it normally feels uncomfortable. Practice during the day first, then wear through the night when nasal breathing feels natural.

You -can- use Hostage Tape if you have a deviated septum, however mouth tape may not be the solution for everyone. We always recommend "practicing" to make sure mouth tape will work for you. It may not. Some use Hostage Tape + Hostage Nose Strips during the day until they feel comfortable using it through the night. Hostage Nose Strips are intended to widen the airway and help increase airflow for easier nasal breathing. We have users that have seen a difference in their deviated septum after using Hostage Tape.

Are you kidding me? Countless badass ladies use Hostage Tape every night to reap the tremendous benefits of nasal breathing during sleep. Check out our reviews to hear directly from some of the awesome women in the Hostage Tape Army.

Hostage Tape is the best mouth tape on the planet - full stop. Why? Because it’s a completely unique fabric, shape, adhesive, and experience. We’re stronger than other tapes, yet so comfortable most forget they’re wearing it. We’re made with medical grade, hypo-allergenic material and acrylic adhesive without latex. We’re porous, safe on skin, and strong enough for facial hair and strong jaws!

Hostage Tape vs Regular Tape
Beard Compatible
Easy Application
Research Backed
Cost Effective